In this lesson, we will get familiar with the container schedulers.
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A Comparison
Consider a group of young teenagers. They’d go to the courtyard and play soccer after school. That was an exciting sight. The term “independent” refers to a person who does not work for the government. There was no offence taken, but there was no defence taken, either.
They’d simply chase a ball.
Everyone runs forward towards the ball, someone kicks it to the left, and youngsters move in that direction, only to start running back because someone \skicked the ball again. The strategy was straightforward. Run towards the ball, kick it if you can, and repeat anywhere you can. It’s difficult to see how anyone managed to score. It was pure chance applied to a group of children.
There was no strategy, no plan, and no understanding that winning required coordination.

If you’re looking for a coach, here is the place to be. They’d need someone to explain us what the strategy is, who should do what, and when to go on the offence or \sfall back to protect the goal. They’d need someone to direct them.
The field (a cluster) had a random number of people (services) who shared the same purpose (to win). Because anyone might join the game at any time, the number of persons (services) changed all the time. Someone was injured and had to be replaced, and when there was no substitute, the rest of us had to take over his job (self-healing).

The following examples will give you a basic notion of a node and a cluster.
The Relative Portion
These football games can be turned into clusters with relative ease. Just as the children required someone to instruct them (a coach), clusters require something to coordinate the services and resources.
Both must not only make decisions in advance, but also continuously monitor the game/cluster and adjust their strategy/scheduling based on internal and external factors.
Children required a coach, whereas clusters require a scheduler. They require a framework that determines where a service should be deployed and ensures that it meets the desired run-time requirements.
Why Use Schedulers?
A cluster scheduler has refers to the significant.
- A scheduler is responsible for controlling the deployment and operation of distributed system components, including containers and virtual machines.
- The scheduler ensures that resources are utilised effectively and within restrictions, and that services are always operational and accessible.
- By recognising and reacting to problems or outages, the scheduler provides fault tolerance and high availability.
- Declarative techniques are utilised with schedulers, enabling developers to declare the intended end state of a system or service and allowing the scheduler to find the most effective means of achieving that state.
- Schedulers are crucial to guaranteeing the efficient and dependable running of contemporary distributed systems.
The distinction between imperative and declarative procedures may appear tiny, but it is actually vast. Using a declarative expression of the desired state, a scheduler can monitor a cluster and take action anytime the actual state differs from the wanted. Compare this to the execution of an installation script. Both will install a service with the same first outcome. Unfortunately, the script will not guarantee the result’s durability over time. If one of the duplicates fails an hour later, our system will be compromised.
Historically, this issue was resolved through a combination of notifications and manual interventions. An administrator would be notified that a replica failed, log in to the server, and resume the procedure.
If the entire server is unavailable, the administrator may decide to establish a new one or deploy the failed replica to one of the other servers. However, before he could do so, he must determine which server has sufficient RAM and CPU. All of this and much more is performed automatically by schedulers.
Consider schedulers to be operators who continuously monitor the system and correct deviations between the desired and actual states. In contrast, schedulers are infinitely faster and more precise. They do not become weary, do not require restroom breaks, nor do they demand wages. These are machines, or, more precisely, software that operates on top of them.
Container Scheduling Systems
This ultimately leads to container schedulers. What distinguishes them from schedulers in general?
Container schedulers adhere to the same fundamentals as schedulers in general. The key distinctions between a scheduler and a container scheduler are as follows:
- Containers are being used as the deployment units.
- They are deploying container image-packaged services.
- They are attempting to collocate them based on memory and CPU requirements.
- They are ensuring that the necessary number of clones are (almost) constantly active.

Schedulers and Containers: Why?
Containers have advantages over other deployment methods.
- Services deployed as containers are isolated and immutable.
- Isolation provides reliability.
- Isolation helps with networking and volume management. It avoids
conflicts. It allows us to deploy anything, anywhere, without worrying
whether that something will clash with other processes running on the
same server. - Schedulers, combined with containers and virtual machines, provide the
ultimate cluster management nirvana. - They allow us to combine the developer’s necessity for rapid and
frequent deployments with a sysadmin’s goals of stability and
And this brings us to Kubernetes…
The next tutorial will focus on introducing you to Kubernetes.