Docker’s Workflow
Second, let’s have a look at the Docker Engine and its parts, because we have a fundamental understanding of how the device works. Using the following components, Docker Engine helps you to build, compile, ship and run apps:
Docker Daemon: Docker photos, containers, networks, and storage volumes are handled by a constant background mechanism. The Docker daemon actively listens to and executes Docker API requests.
Docker Engine REST API: To communicate with the Docker daemon, an API is used for applications. An HTTP client can use it.
Docker CLI: A database for the command-line interface to communicate with the Docker daemon. It vastly simplifies how you treat instances of containers which is one of the major reasons that developers enjoy using Docker.
Docker Architecture
Docker ‘s architecture follows a client-server model which comprises of the components of the Docker Database, Docker Host, Network and Storage and the Docker Registry / Hub. Let ‘s look in more depth at each of these.
Docker Client
The client sends them to the docker daemon when any docker commands are running, which carries them out. The Docker API is used for commands from Docker. It is possible for more than one daemon to connect with the Docker client.
Docker Host
The Docker host offers a full platform for programs to be executed and run. The Docker daemon, photos, containers, networks, and storage are included. The daemon is responsible for all container-related behavior, as previously stated, and receives commands from the CLI or the REST API. To handle its resources, it may also interact with other daemons.
Docker Objects
Docker Images
Images are nothing but a binary read-only design that can create containers. They also provide metadata that defines the features and needs of the container. In order to store and ship software, images are used. To create a jar, an image may be used on its own or configured to add extra elements to enhance the current structure.
With the help of a private container registry, you can share the container images through departments within an organization, or share them with the internet using a shared registry such as Docker Platform. Images are the central element of the Docker experience because they allow developer communication in a way that was not possible before.

Docker Containers
Containers are a kind of encapsulated system in which programs are performed. The image and any additional configuration options offered at the start of the container, including, without limitation, network connections and storage options, are classified as containers. Containers only have access to the image-given services, unless extra access is given when the image is installed into a container.
Docker Networking
Docker networking is a passage in which all the containers that are separated connect. In Docker, there are primarily five network drivers:
Bridge: For a container, it is the default network driver. When your program is operating on standalone containers, that is, multiple containers connecting with the same docker server, you use this network.
Host: This driver prevents the separation of the network between the client and client server containers. When you don’t need any network separation between the host and container, you should do it.
Overlay: This network helps swarming networks to connect with each other. You use it when you want the containers to run on various Docker hosts or when you want multiple applications to shape swarm services.
None: This driver can prevent all networking operations.
Macvlan: To make them look like physical machines, this driver assigns mac addresses to containers. This routes the traffic via their Mac addresses between containers. When you want the containers to look like a physical unit, for instance, when you migrate a VM configuration, you use this network.
4. Storage
You can store data inside the container’s writable layer, but a storage driver is required. It perishes if the container is not running, becoming non-persistent. In addition, moving this data is not fast. Docker provides four choices with regard to permanent storage:
Data Volumes: They have the ability to construct permanent storage with the ability to delete volumes, list volumes, and even list the volume-associated container. Data volumes are stored on the host file system, copied on the writing mechanism outside the containers and are reasonably effective.
Volume : It is an alternative solution in which a dedicated container hosts a capacity and mounts its volume to other containers. The volume container is independent of the application container in this situation and you should also share it across more than one container.
Mounts directory: Another alternative is to mount the local directory of a server into a container. The volumes will have to be inside the Docker volumes folder in the above described situations, while any directory on the host computer can be used as a source for the volume when it comes to Directory Mounts.
Storage Plugins: Storage Plugins facilitate access to external storage platforms. These plugins map storage from the server, including a storage array or an appliance, to an external source. On Docker’s Plugin tab, you can see a list of storage plugins.
Docker Registry
Docker registries are systems that have repositories from which images can be saved and downloaded. In other words, there are Docker repositories in a Docker registry, which host one or more Docker Files. Two modules are found in public registries, namely the Docker Center and the Docker Storage. You may use the Secret Register as well. When operating with registries, the most prevalent commands include: docker push, docker grab, docker run